What to look out for when selecting a company to supply vaping products for Smoking Cessation Services
Following on from the report issued by the Kahn review in June 2022, health professionals offering smoking cessation services may be left scratching their heads, trying to find the best solution. We’ve provided a summary of things you should look out for when seeking a company to supply your service with e-liquid and vaping products.
Vaping products continue to be the most popular and effective aid used by people trying to quit smoking. In 2020, 27.2% of people used a vaping product in a quit attempt in the previous 12 months.
As there are still no medicinally licensed e-cigarette products available in the UK, supplier selection as well as deciding which e-cigarette products to prescribe is somewhat unclear. The best approach you can take is to work with a company that holds pharmaceutical accreditations.
- Look for accreditations
All our vaping products manufactured by Lumo Liquids are produced at a state-of-the-art EU GMP Pharma-grade facility right here in the UK, at a site that holds a pharmaceutical GMP MIA licence, by staff trained in pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.
Here is a summary of our accreditations:
•MHRA European GMP Licence for 25 years
•MHRA Manufacturer / Importer Licence (MIA) 12845
•ManA12845 (Veterinary Medicines Regulations)
•ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System accreditation
•ISO 13485:2016 Medical Device accreditation
•GMP HACCP (Hazardous Analysis & Critical Control Point) audit
•Member of British Contract Manufacturers and Packers Association

- Good practices in manufacturing with a history of supply references
The team at Lumo Liquids have been instilling 25 years’ worth of good practices from pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging to the manufacture of the vaping products produced on site.
- Seek industry experts
As a company that has been manufacturing vaping products since 2015 (pre-TPD regulation), we have a globally recognised team of experts in both vaping and pharmaceutical goods. Having supplied some highly recognised global brands, we have always taken pride in applying the highest level of quality assurance
- Look at the company’s sales record
It’s important to work with an established company that has been supplying vaping goods for some time. Companies with a good sales history will have more data and experience to offer your clients to maximise their chance of successfully switching to vaping.
As Lumo Liquids has been manufacturing the UK’s most widely used brand for 7 years, we have the UK’s most accurate sales data to give a clear idea of which e-liquid flavours and nicotine strengths are the most popular for the general public. Our typical customer base for this brand is the convenience and supermarket customers – those of which are the typical cigarette smokers here in the UK.
- Experience with overseas initiatives smoking cessation
Lumo liquids has a unique standpoint in this sector as we are already manufacturing the only e-cigarette and vape products available on prescription in Australia. This industry-first experience allows us to bestow the knowledge accrued from the Australian government’s role out of prescription based-e-cigarettes and e-liquids, in readiness for the UK’s action in its bid to offer e-liquids and vape kits on prescription to the NHS.

- Vape products as a medicinal licence
Choose to work with a company with experience and a backing in medicinal licence. With the prospect of the UK offering vaping products under a medicinal licence becoming more and more likely, it’s a great starting point to work with a company that is in a good position to move forwards in to the realms of offering medicinally licenced vaping products.
We are the manufacturing choice for a vape product about to undergo application to the MHRA for a medicinal Marketing Authorisation (product licence)
- Involvement in research studies for smoking cessation
We have worked closely with Swansea University Toxicology Department to undertake toxicological screening of or products. Our collaboration with Swansea University with a PhD research project allowed us to gain expertise into in-vitro analysis of e-liquids, which means which is the study of biological molecules outside their normal biological context. This has resulted in an even more rounded knowledge of the safety of vaping products which is then passed on to the products that we produce at our state-of-the-art facility.

- Demonstrable experience with smoking cessation trials
Our products have been involved in multiple registered smoking cessation trials. Lumo Liquids has been supplying e-liquids for starter packs offered as a smoking cessation option in a nationwide clinical trial. One study is comparing intensity support with e-cigarettes for the following 3 bands:
- NHS Smoke Free support through stop smoking service
- E-cigarette starter pack only
- E-cigarette starter pack with phone line support
- Vaping experts with Smoking Cessation experience
Having NCSCT trained experts helps bring in behavioural support into our offering of products designed to help smokers switch to vaping. Lumo Liquids staff members have experience in supplying organisations delivering a Smoking Cessation service such as stop smoking services can help your service to play on the success and failures of previous trials.
Here at Lumo Liquids, our Smoking Cessation Lead has been working several Stop Smoking Services for four years. Our colleagues have coordinated one of the first tender contracts with a stop smoking service to supply e-cigarettes, we have colleagues who have delivered training to several Stop Smoking Services and has been involved in several nationwide pilots

10. Look for an innovative partner
Innovation is key when looking for a company to work with you on a smoking cessation project. Vaping is a relatively new innovation in the realms of smoking cessation as a service and the vaping category is a very fast-paced industry with new technologies regularly emerging.
As Lumo Liquids work with many of the leading vape brands in the UK as a contract manufacturer of e-liquids and vape products, we are at the forefront of many of those innovations. We are currently working on a piece of technology that is set to shake up the vape world as it is expected to be THE safest vaping device yet. Stay tuned for further developments this year.